Steven Neville from first broke the story about the experimental social media campaign Applebee’s was doing. It also appeared everywhere from My Little Pony websites, to blogs, local TV and now the director and social media strategist are on live TV tonight.
According to the hashtag tracker, the #SpiritedChef hashtag reached the 3,000,000 person milestone last week on Twitter. The videos have over a quarter million views already and animated GIFs of these crazy tricks are starting to appear around the internet.
In a very risky move for a multi-billion dollar business with 1600+ locations, Applebee’s invited people to suggest tricks using the #SpiritedChef hashtag and then help direct it on a live video stream during filming. Typically big brands avoid messy situations like this. Since Christian Delpech was juggling knives and breakable glass, this could have been a serious ... Read More »